Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day 20 - Part 2 - St. Andrews

St. Andrews is the home of GOLF and although none of us are golfers we certainly enjoyed being there to see the famous course along the coastline.  The city is magical in its appearance with quaint buildings and lots of historical landmarks. First up was the university with its courtyard being one of the sets for a few Harry Potter films.

We had a chance to watch a dance rehearsal in the auditorium.
Next was the castle.  A remaining ruin identified the location of the once famous castle lookout.  The views of the coastline were great.

A couple of the university homes.

The cathedral in its time was the largest in all of the UK.
The towers were impressive being some of the only still-standing structures.

The gravesites were insteresting.  Look at the body conforming crypts.

We viewed numerous headstones and crypt covers in the museum.
And then we climbed the tower.  Yikes.  300 steps straight up with no break.

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