Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Kruger National Park - Part One

We planned our drive to complete the first half of the Panorama Route, then enter the park south of there, and complete the route on our exit to Pretoria.  It was a beautiful drive up into the highlands and valleys that make up the western border of Kruger National Park.  The cliffs make a natural boundary for animal migrationa...and the western side of the park is fully fenced and gated.  We stopped at God's Window to view the valley below, before descending onto the park's plateau.

We booked a safari camp with upgraded tents, fully catered meals, and two or three game drives, walks, or activities each day.  We dug in for a nice long rest. Our tents faced the park fence and in the late day and early evening we had a full time continues procession of wildlife to walk wander by.  Foe the next seven days we had three daily choices of game drivers and activities.  It was a grand stay.

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